Conference practicalities

Thank you for signing up for the CONNOR conference. We are looking forward to your participation and learning about your research on conspiracy theories.

The conference will take place at Lund University, LUX building, 23-24 May. The address is Helgonavägen 3, 223 62 Lund.

We have reserved two rooms for the days and we will be in room B336 and B251.

We are many presenters and we will be given 20 minutes each. Each presenter will be given 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and answers. We will be strict on keeping the schedule so we kindly ask you to plan your presentation for 15 minutes only.

You will be served lunch and coffee both days. There will be an evening dinner on May 23d for those who have signed up for this. The participants pay for the dinner themselves. The dinner will be held at the restaurant Valvet in Lund which is a five-minute walk from LUX.

If you have questions or would like to cancel your participation, please email Elzbieta.Drazkiewiczkultur.luse or

Evening Dinner

The evening dinner will be on May 23d, 6PM, at Valvet Steakhouse, Allahelgona Kyrkogata 7, 223 62 Lund.

Page Manager: itht.luse | 2024-05-15