Brain Talk: Discourse with and in the Brain (2008)
The first conference in Linguistics within the Birgit Rausing Language Program
The impact of context on language processing.
Venue: Center for Languages and Literature, Lund University
Date: June 2-3, 2008
Conference Theme

The conference will focus on the impact of the context on the neurophysiological processing of speech and language in various communicative situations.
Program and abstracts
- Kai Alter, Carly Metcalfe, Damien Gabriel, Manon Grube, Herman Ackermann, and Susanne Dietrich
Newcastle University, Université de Génève, and University of Tübingen - The processing of emotional utterances
Abstract - Mireille Besson, CNRS, Marseille
- Electrophysiological studies of prosody
AbstractPresentation - Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky
Max Planck Institute, Leipzig - The role of prominence in the neurocognition of language comprehension: A new perspective on the syntax-semantics interface
Abstract - Stefan Heim, Research Center Juelich, Jülich
- Neurocognitive profiles of developmental dyslexia
AbstractPresentation - Kenneth Hugdahl, University of Bergen
- Speech perception and brain function: Experimental and clinical studies
AbstractPresentation - Janne von Koss Torkildsen, University of Oslo
- ERP correlates of word learning in infants: Effects of productive vocabulary size
Abstract - Francisco Lacerda, Stockholm University
- A biological and interactional perspective on the emergence of early linguistic functions
Abstract - Kerry Ledoux, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
- On-line studies of repeated name and pronominal coreference
Abstract - Martin Meyer, University Hospital of Zurich
- The laughing brain: Comparative evidence from behavioral and neuroimaging studies in human and monkey
AbstractPresentation - Inger Moen, University of Oslo
- Production and perception of word tones in Norwegian patients with brain damage
AbstractPresentation - Leticia Pablos, University of Reading
- NPI licensing in languages with a rich agreement system
AbstractPresentation - Ann Pannekamp and Ulrike Toepel, Humboldt University of Berlin, and University and University Hospital Lausanne
- Fishing for information: How children learn to interpret focus
AbstractPresentation - Mikael Roll, Lund University
- The role of left-edge intonation in Swedish language processing
Abstract - Matthias Schlesewsky, University of Marburg
- Demystifying semantic P600 effects: Theoretical arguments and cross-linguistic observations
Abstract - Yury Shtyrov, Medical Research Council, Cambridge
- Rapid, automatic and parallel language processing: Neurophysiological data
Poster presentations
- Giorgos P. Argyropoulos, University of Edinburgh
- Neocerebellar emulation of language processing
AbstractPoster - Zoltán Bánréti, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Restricted discrimination between local economy and global economy in agrammatic aphasia
AbstractPoster - Elisabeth Bay, Marion Grande, Katja Hussmann, Swetlana Christoph, Klaus Willmes, Martina Piefke, and Walter Huber, University Hospital Aachen
- Basic parameters of spontaneous language: Do they differentiate between unimpaired and aphasic speakers?
Abstract - S. M. E. Bihler, D. Saur, S. Abel, D. Kümmerer, W. Huber, J. Dittmann, and C. Weiller, University Hospital Freiburg, University of Freiburg, and University Hospital Aachen
- Auditory repetition of words and pseudowords: An fMRI study
AbstractPoster - Angèle Brunellière and Ulrich Hans Frauenfelder, University of Geneva
- Morpho-syntactic context effects in spoken language processing: An ERP study
AbstractPoster - F. Citron, K.A.M. Klingebiel, B.S. Weekes, and E.C. Ferstl, University of Sussex
- Evaluation of lexical and semantic features for English emotion words
AbstractPoster - T. Ibertsson, L. Ásker-Arnason, K. Hansson, and B. Sahlén, Lund University
- Phonological processing, speech intelligibility and reading in Swedish children with cochlear implants
Abstract - Armina Janyan, Ivo Popivanov, and Elena Andonova, New Bulgarian University and University of Bremen
- Evoked gamma-band oscillations in single-word translation
AbstractPoster - H. Kreiner, S. Mohr, K. Kessler, and S. Garrod, University of Glasgow
- Can context affect gender processing? Evidence from ERP about the differences between lexical and stereotypical gender
AbstractPoster - Francisco Lacerda, Ulla Sundberg, Iris-Corinna Schwarz, Ulla Bjursäter, Ellen Marklund, Eeva Klintfors, Göran Söderlund, and Lisa Gustavsson, Stockholm University
- Development of lateralised speech perception
AbstractPoster - Frida Mårtensson, Merle Horne, Mikael Roll, and Pia Apt, Lund University and Malmö University Hospital
- Implications of aphasia on abstract and concrete noun processing
AbstractPoster - Kathrin Pusch, Jessica Rosenberg, and Rainer Dietrich, Humboldt University
- Circadian rhythm in phonetic speech perception
Abstract - Stefanie Regel, Thomas C. Gunter, and Seana Coulson, Max Planck Institute Leipzig
- The impact of pragmatic knowledge on the comprehension of irony: An ERP study
Abstract - Bengt Sigurd and Bengt Nilsson, Lund University
- Modelling brain activity understanding selfembedded sentences
AbstractPoster - Sverker Sikström and Petter Kallioinen, Lund University
- Exploring the high dimensional semantic space in the brain
AbstractPoster - Jaana Simola, Kenneth Holmqvist, and Magnus Lindgren, Lund University
- Hemispheric differences in parafoveal processing: Evidence from eye-fixation related potentials
Call for papers (closed)
The conference organizers welcome contributions involving interdisciplinary approaches, with investigations from areas including linguistics, phonetics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and speech pathology.
Host University
Lund University, founded in 1666, is today the largest unit for research and higher education in Sweden. Lund is located in southern Sweden and is easily reached by train/car from Copenhagen airport (Kastrup).

Welcome to Lund 2-3 June 2008!
Organizing committee:
Lund University: Merle Horne, Magnus Lindgren, Mikael Roll; Newcastle University: Kai Alter; University of Oslo: Janne von Koss Torkildsen
Sponsors: Birgit Rausing Language Program, Erik Philip-Sörensens Stiftelse