Teaching Today and Tomorrow: Exploring Connections, Methods, and Possibilities

Pedagogical Inspiration Conference at the HT-faculties 13 November 2025

Do you teach at HT, or are you in other ways engaged in education? Would you like to share pedagogical experiences or get inspiration from your colleagues? Welcome to the pedagogical inspiration conference at HT!

The main theme of the conference is teaching in times of great change. The conference theme should be interpreted broadly and covers various levels and forms of education – from undergraduate courses to doctoral education, from pedagogical support to peer mentoring. Examples of questions that may be addressed include: How is teaching affected by technological advancements? What general skills and competencies should education develop? How do we make examinations meaningful and fair? How can we challenge students' curiosity and engagement?

The conference is in Swedish and English. The keynote will be in English, while presentations and roundtable discussions will be held in either Swedish or English.

The conference will take place at LUX and is free of charge for HT faculty staff. Lunch and coffee are included.

Classroom with teacher in front of students

Would you like to contribute with a presentation, a workshop, or a roundtable discussion on teaching and learning in higher education?

Please submit your abstract no later than 1 June! 

Page Manager: inspiration2025ht.luse | 2025-02-20