Call for Abstracts
- A presentation lasts 25 minutes, with a maximum of 15 minutes for the initial speech, followed by 10 minutes for discussion and questions.
- A roundtable discussion lasts 55 minutes, where participants are invited to actively engage in an open discussion. The presenters initially introduce a topic for a maximum of 10 minutes. This is followed by an open discussion, which the presenters summarize at the end.
- A workshop lasts 55 minutes and includes exercises or other activities for the participants.
Call for abstracts will open on 1 April. The deadline for abstracts is 1 June. The following information is required: name, department, email, contribution format (see above), language (English/Swedish), title of contribution, and a brief presentation of the contribution (maximum 300 words). For roundtable discussions, specify the question to be discussed. The conference committee can help suggest participants for the discussion. For workshops, describe the activities and setup.
Notification of submitted abstracts
All submitted contributions undergo a double-blind review by the conference committee based on the following criteria:
- Relevance and interest for the teachers of the HT faculties,
- Potential to create serious discussion about teaching and learning,
- Connection to relevant pedagogical literature.
Notification of whether the contribution can be included in the program will be given no later than 18 June. Accepted contributions will be presented on the conference website before the conference. After the conference, participants will have the opportunity to write a paper based on their presentation, which may be published in the conference proceedings. Instructions for the proceedings will be provided after the conference.