Workshop Programme

Time: May 12-13, 2016 Location: Room H339, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University Thursday, May 12 13.00 Workshop opening 13.05-14.05 Invited speaker: Björn Lundqvist (University of Tromsø) Default Expectations and Priming in the Processing of Complex Sentences in English and Norwegian 14.05-15.05 Christiane Müller (Lund University) – Adjunct islands – the case of Mainland Scandinavian Coffee 15.30-16.30 Fredrik Heinat & Eva Klingvall (Lund University) Superadditivity, working memory, and island effects 18.00 Dinner Friday, May 13 10.00-11.00 Damon Tutunjian & Anna-Lena Wiklund (Lund University) The role of non-structural factors in the processing of long-distance filler-gap dependencies in Swedish – Two eye tracking studies Coffee 11.30-12.30 Invited speaker: Ken Ramshøj Christensen (Aarhus University) Experimental syntax and island extractions in Danish 12.30-12.35 Workshop closing *** Invited speakers: Associate Professor Ken Ramshøj Christensen, Department of Aesthetics and Communication (DAC), Section for English, Aarhus University, MINDLab / Center for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN), Aarhus University Hospital, DK Ph.D. Björn Lundquist, Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Tromsø, NO Organizers: Anna-Lena Wiklund, Fredrik Heinat, Eva Klingvall, Damon Tutunjian

Programme (PDF)

Sidansvarig: | 2018-05-24