Registration & Submission


The 20th conference of the Swedish Cognitive Science Society will be held in Lund (exact venue to be announced soon). The conference is free of charge and will take place from Tuesday October 7th to Thursday October 9th. Poster presentations and workshops will commence on the afternoon of October 7th with talks and poster sessions being held throughout the days of October 8th and 9th. 

All updates and info will be posted at 

Please direct any questions via email to swecog2025lucs.luse

Important Notice: Book Accommodations Early!


Another major event is taking place at Lund University during the same dates as SweCog 2025, which means hotels and other accommodations will fill up quickly. We strongly recommend booking your stay as soon as possible to secure a convenient option. 

QR code

To register for the conference fill out the form below, or scan the QR code.

Conference Registration


SweCog invites you to submit an abstract for either an oral or a poster presentation, covering all areas of cognitive science. We welcome presentations of on-going work as well as recently completed studies. Desired presentation format (oral or poster) can be indicated when submitting. 

Each abstract must be submitted by the first author. All first authors will be expected to register for the conference in order to present. Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference program and online via the SweCog website.

Abstract Submission: Submitted abstracts should be up to 500 words as plain text. The word limit does not include title, authors and affiliations. Additional space is provided for funding acknowledgements.

Presentation Formats:
Oral Presentation
Participants accepted for oral presentation are asked to prepare a 15 minute presentation, preferably using PowerPoint or similar visual support. There will be time allotted for a brief Q&A at the end of each presentation session. Please note that if you submit a oral presentation proposal, but are not accepted to give an oral presentation, you may be offered the opportunity to present your topic as a poster.
Poster Presentation
Participants accepted for poster presentation are asked to prepare a poster that you print and bring to the conference. Details on poster size will be provided closer to the conference.

Deadline for Submission: April 1, 2025

Notices of Acceptance: After the reviewing process, authors will be informed about the outcome. All correspondence, including notification of abstract acceptance and details for poster and talk presentations, will be sent to the First Author (submitting author) via email. That author shall be responsible for informing all contributing authors of any related correspondence.

Please direct any questions to SweCog2025lucs.luse

QR code submission

To submit open the link below or scan the QR code.

Abstract Submission

Sidansvarig: swecog2025lucs.luse | 2025-02-07