PhD session
Doctoral Student Symposium
Lund University would like to extend a particularly warm welcome to PhD students of English in Sweden. The theme for this year is “The Future of English Studies”, which means that the research and prospects of future scholars can and should be a central aspect of the National Forum in 2025.
As your doctoral student representatives on the organisational committee, we particularly invite you to contribute to the doctoral student symposium. The symposium is a chance to present your research, whatever stage it is at, and connect with other doctoral students in your field. We welcome all aspects of English studies, whether or not they relate to the theme of the conference, to be showcased in 5-minute presentations.
After the symposium, there will be a mingle session before we head to dinner. There will also be a social activity/small excursion organised in Lund – more details to come when the programme is published.
If you would like to participate in the symposium, please send an abstract of no more than 300 words to elena.de_wachterenglund.luse, including the title and subject of your dissertation and what stage the project is at. Please make sure to also include your name, affiliation and contact details. Submissions close on February 10.
Please note that if you would like to give a paper at one of the other conference sessions, you will need to send in a proposal through the call for papers which can be found here. The deadline for this is January 20.
For questions contact the doctoral student organisers Elena De Wachter ( or Mari Komnaes (