The 2022 Lund University Conference on Teaching and Learning
The 2022 Lund University Conference on Teaching and Learning

17 November 2022
Hosted by the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology at Lund University.
The 2022 Lund University Conference on Teaching and Learning, LUTL-2022, is a forum for dialogue, inspiration, and critical discussion about learning, teaching and development in higher education. All contributions within the scope of teaching and learning are encouraged – whether or not there is a direct link to the conference theme. The main language of the conference is English, but we also welcome contributions in Swedish. This year’s conference theme is
Lifelong Learning and Higher Education: New (and Old) Perspectives
Swedish universities have a new obligation from July 2021:
“In their operations, higher education institutions must promote lifelong learning” (Swedish Higher Education Act, 5th section).
This is a brief addition, but it allows for many interpretations and clashing agendas: political visions of productive, innovative, and integrated citizens; the business world’s need for competitive advantage and a reliable skills supply; the individual’s need for security, growth, and fulfillment; the public sphere’s dependence on the cultivation and meeting of ideas; and, not least, the pedagogical day-to-day practices of universities themselves.
Many questions could be raised regarding the task to promote lifelong learning in higher education. Thus, the LUTL-2022 conference offers an opportunity to discuss what lifelong learning entails. We invite conference participants to share work that is related – but not restricted – to the following questions:
- What does the task of promoting lifelong learning imply for individual teachers and their work?
- Which needs connected to lifelong learning can be met by the various functions and disciplines of the university – and how?
- Which different perspectives on lifelong learning can be found in our past and present – and how are they relevant for the future of Swedish higher education?
- Is it possible to pursue several conceptions of lifelong learning simultaneously, and if so, what might be the consequences of such an approach?
The conference aims to explore multiple approaches to the theme and seeks to invite reflection and debate among peers. It should be noted that the theme of lifelong learning can be related to all the learning environments of the university: undergraduate as well as postgraduate education; doctoral supervision; and professional development among university staff.
Join the LUTL-2022 and give your contribution to a multifaceted pedagogical debate! The registration and submission of proposals are open.