Word Accents and Tones in Sentence Perspective (2006)
The Department of Linguistics and Phonetics is pleased to host
Word Accents and Tones in Sentence Perspective
A symposium in conjunction with the 60th birthday of Professor Gösta Bruce
Place: Hörsalen, Center for Languages and Literature, Lund University
Time: Wednesday January 10, 2007, 9.00-18.40

Gösta speaking on dialect prosody at the Nordic Prosody IX conference.
On the 3rd of January 2007, Professor Gösta Bruce will celebrate his 60th birthday. To mark the occasion, the Department of Linguistics and Phonetics will host a one-day symposium on the theme "Word Accents and Tones in Sentence Perspective".
Gösta Bruce is one of the most internationally well-known researchers in the field of prosody. His doctoral dissertation Swedish Word Accents in Sentence Perspective (Lund University, 1977) was theoretically and methodologically groundbreaking as regards our way of analysing and understanding prosodic phenomena. His insight that intonational contours in Swedish could be broken down into different tonal components: word accents, sentence accent (associated with focus) and terminal juncture (boundary tones) which realize different combinations of two phonological level tones H and L was a seminal contribution to our understanding of intonational patterning that was subsequently applied to many other languages.
The current symposium aims at bringing together researchers in the area of prosody to focus on and discuss the state of our knowledge as it relates to phonetic and phonological patterning of word accents and tones when they are concatenated in utterances.

Gösta relaxing at the Nordic Prosody IX dinner.
Program(with presentations!)
Abstracts View all abstracts
- Laura Downing, ZAS, Berlin Abstract
- Björn Granström, KTH, Stockholm Abstract
- Carlos Gussenhoven, Radboud University, Nijmegen Abstract
- David House, KTH, Stockholm Abstract
- D. Robert Ladd, University of Edinburgh Abstract
- Anastasia Mukhanova Karlsson, Lund University Abstract
- Yasuko Nagano-Madsen, Gothenburg University Abstract
- Tomas Riad, Stockholm University Abstract
- Chilin Shih, University of Illinois Abstract
- Jan-Olof Svantesson, Lund University Abstract
- Siri Tuttle, Alaska Native Language Center, Fairbanks Abstract
- Kai Alter, Newcastle University Abstract
- Gilbert Ambrazaitis, Lund University Abstract
- Boštian Dvořák, ZAS, Berlin Abstract
- Jan K. Hognestad, Agder University College, Kristiansand Abstract
- Frank Kügler and Stavros Skopeteas, Potsdam University Abstract
- Shinichiro Ishihara, Potsdam University Abstract
- Mikael Roll and Merle Horne, Lund University Abstract

The symposium is sponsored by Elisabeth Rausing's Memorial Fund (Elisabeth Rausings Minnesfond) and The Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities (Kungliga Vitterhetsakademien).