International Symposium on Prosody to Commemorate Gösta Bruce

The Center for Languages and Literature, Lund University, will honor the memory of Gösta Bruce (1947-2010) with a commemorative symposium on June 2-3, 2014. As professor of phonetics, Gösta Bruce played an internationally very fundamental and influential role in the development of methods and models for current prosody research. The ideas in his seminal doctoral dissertation from 1977, Swedish Word Accents in Sentence Perspective, served as the point of departure for the development of prosody models for tone and intonation systems in many different languages. In addition to marking Gösta Bruce’s importance for research in prosody, the symposium will function as a forum for discussions on current challenging research questions within prosody research.
San Duanmu, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, "Prosody and word length in Chinese"
Caroline Féry, Goethe-University, Frankfurt, ”The disambiguating role of prosody in relative clauses”
Nina Grønnum, University of Copenhagen, "Danish stød is tone deaf"
Carlos Gussenhoven, Radboud University, Nijmegen, "Languages with and without word stress"
Julia Hirschberg, Columbia University, New York, "Multiple dimensions of entrainment in dialogue"
D. Robert Ladd, University of Edinburgh, "What *is* prosody anyway?"
Tomas Riad, Stockholm University, "A phonological typology of North Germanic accent"
Monday, June 2
REGISTRATION: 09.00-09.40 (Coffee served) WELCOME: 09.40-09:45 (Merle Horne) OPENING: 09.45-09:55 (Anders Ohlsson, Head of the Center for Languages and Literature) ORAL SESSION 1: 10.00-12.00 (Chair: Merle Horne) 10.00-10.45: Invited speaker: D. Robert Ladd, University of Edinburgh, What is prosody, anyway? 10.50-11.35: Invited speaker: Julia Hirschberg, Columbia University, Multiple dimensions of entrainment in dialogue 11.40-12.00: Mikael Roll, Lund University, Word accents in a neurocognitive perspectiveLUNCH 12.00-13.15 ORAL SESSION 2: 13.15-15.10 (Chair: Mechtild Tronnier) 13.15-14.00: Invited speaker: Caroline Féry, Goethe University Frankfurt, The disambiguating role of prosody in relative clauses 14.05-14.25: Anastasia Karlsson1 and David House2, 1Lund University, 2Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Prosodic boundaries and spontaneous narratives 14.30-15.10: POSTER PITCH: 2 minute poster pitches (Chair: Susanne Schötz): Una Y. Chow, University of Calgary, Intonation patterns of double subjects in Mandarin: Evidence in support of a possessive structureJens Edlund1, Mattias Heldner2, Marcin Włodarczak2, 1Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, 2Stockholm University, Is breathing prosody?Sabine Gosselke, Lund University, Initial contact with and acquisition of grammatical toneDavid House, Simon Alexanderson and Jonas Beskow, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Prosodic features and head nods in spontaneous dialogueFrank Kügler, Potsdam University, Focus affects the pitch register – focal lowering in German Hsiang-Yu Lei, Yu-Chiao Yeh, and Janice Fon, National Taiwan University, New Taipei City, The effect of prosody and dialectal variations on syllable-final nasal mergers in Taiwan Mandarin spontaneous speech Oliver Niebuhr, Kiel University, Details in the perception of German prominence: Cue power estimates and contexts effectsAnna Sara H. Romøren and Aoju Chen, Utrecht University, Prosodic focus marking in Swedish childrenMalin Svensson Lundmark, Lund University, Constant tonal alignment in Swedish word accent IIPelle Söderström, Lund University, Testing predictions - studying word accents and morphology in SwedishSiri Tuttle1, and Caleb Brucks2, 1University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2University of Regina, Negative prosody in interior Alaskan Athabascan languagesMarcus Uneson, Lund University, Parallel words for cross-Germanic comparison of lexical stressYu-Chiao Yeh, Hsiang-Yu Lei, and Janice Fon, National Taiwan University, Pingzhen City, Taoyuan County, Taiwan, The effects of age and prosody on the syllable-final nasal mergers in Taiwan Mandarin spontaneous speechPOSTER SESSION: 15.10-16.20(coffee served) ORAL SESSION 3: 16.20-17.55 (Chair: Mikael Roll) 16.20-17.05: Invited speaker: Carlos Gussenhoven, Radboud University, Languages with and without word stress 17.10-17.30: Gilbert Ambrazaitis, Lund University, Swedish focal accent – emphasized! Or: A linguistic vs. a para-linguistic type of focal peak raising? 17.35-17.55: Antonis Botinis1, Gilbert Ambrazaitis2 and Johan Frid2, 1University of Athens, 2Lund University, Syllable constituency and tonal structure in Greek and SwedishDINNER: 19.00- (Old Bishop's Residence)Tuesday, June 3
ORAL SESSION 4: 9.15-12.00 (Chair: Gilbert Ambrazaitis) 9.15-10.00: Invited speaker: Tomas Riad, Stockholm University, A phonological typology of North Germanic accent 10.05-10.50: Invited speaker: Nina Gønnum, University of Copenhagen, Danish stød is tone deafCOFFEE BREAK 10.50-11.15 11.15-11.35: Joost van de Weijer, Lund University, Consonant repetition within words 11.40-12.00: Susanne Schötz and Joost van de Weijer, Lund University, Human perception of prosody in domestic cat meowsLUNCH: 12.00-13.15 ORAL SESSION 5: 13.15-15.15 (Chair: Anastasia Karlsson) 13.15-13.35: Yasuko Nagano-Madsen, University of Gothenburg, Towards modelling the acquisition of L2 prosody. Data from Swedish learners of Japanese 13.40-14.00: Mechtild Tronnier1 and Elisabeth Zetterholm2,1Lund Universityand 2Linnaeus University, Intelligibility of Swedish word accents produced by L2-speakers with tonal and non-tonal L1s – a case study 14.05-14.50: Invited speaker: San Duanmu, University of Michigan, Prosody and word length in ChineseCOFFEE BREAK 14.50- 15.15 DISCUSSION 15.15-15.50 (Chair: David House, KTH, Stockholm) CLOSING 15.50-16.00 (Merle Horne) BUS EXCURSION to Hagalund 16.00-22.00: Presentation of Swedia 2000 project by Ida Thelander, Lund UniversityHow to get to Lund