CP - a workshop in honor of Christer Platzack

On the 6th of December, a workshop on the left periphery will be held in honor of our friend and colleague Christer Platzack, who will be retiring from his professorship December the 1st.
Fortunately, it is not a “farewell party”, as Christer plans to be a active member of our Faculty as Professor Emeritus, but we find it appropriate to celebrate him and to do so by “throwing a workshop party” called CP. Not only because these are Christer’s initials but also because he has been one of the foreground figures in developing our understanding of the CP and the CP domain, by his studies on the properties of Spec-C, EPP, Verb Second and other instances of Verb Raising, expletives, null-subjects, Stylistic Fronting and the tripartite CP/TP/vP clausal structure.
The program can be viewed here.
Use the below link if you would like to read Marianne Thormählen's welcome address.