Call for papers

After a very successful first Fonologi i Skandinavia (FiSk) meeting in Gothenburg in 2016, hosted by Laura Downing and Martin Krämer, and the second (renamed) Fonologi i Norden (FiNo) meeting in Kristiansand in 2017 hosted by Patrik Bye and Allison Wetterlin, it is again time to think about, and more importantly, write, your abstract for the third meeting, which will be held at Lund University Sweden, February 9–10, 2018, directly after the Grammatik i Fokus conference held at the same location (LUX). Phonologists in the Nordic countries (including Denmark, Estonia, the Faeroes, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden) and beyond are invited to share some of your work with us, and help us build the Nordic phonology network. Please send an e-mail with an attached pdf-file with the title of your talk and abstract to <fonologi.i.nordengmailcom> by November 15, 2017. The abstract should not exceed one A4 page, with 2.45 cm margins, 12 point font, single line spacing. Please indicate in the file as well if you would prefer to give a talk or present a poster.

Here are the important dates:

  • Submission deadline for abstracts: November 15, 2017
  • Notification: December 15, 2017
  • Meeting: February 9 (after lunch)–February 10, 2018
Sidansvarig:  | 2018-01-25