Conference information
You can find the current (provisional) version of the program here.
Oral presentations
These will last 20 minutes followed by 5 minutes for quesions (leaving 5 minutes for transitons between rooms). There will be computers and projectors in each room. Please go to the room where your talk will be presented in advance, and make sure that your presentation is uploaded.
If you wish to use your own laptop, you should try it out in advance. For Mac users:please bring the necessary adaptors.
The poster session will take place 15:30-17:30 Thursday, 25 September, during its own, dedicated session. This will begin in the plenary hall with a one-minute speaking slot for poster presenters to present themselves and their work. Posters should be hung no later than the end of the coffee break preceeding the poster session and removed by the end of the day.
The poster boards are 1200mm high and 950mm wide, sufficient to accommodate up to an A0 poster in "portrait" mode.
The poster boards are 1200mm high and 950mm wide, sufficient to accommodate up to an A0 poster in "portrait" mode.
If you need an official letter of acceptance, please write down the exact text that you need (specifying your name and your affiliation and the title of your abstract) and send it by e-mail to "" <>. We then copy your text to a document with the appropriate letter head. We can send the letter in the form of a signed and secured pdf document to your e-mail address.
Please note that letters of acceptance will only be extended to those who have submitted an abstract and who have been accepted for participation
Receips for registration fees can be obtained while you are in Lund
We ask all of those who have paid the registration fee before coming to Lund to bring a copy of the receipt you received when making the bank transference. It might be needed to establish that you have indeed paid the fee.
Humanisthuset, Språk- och litteraturcentrum (SOL)
Rooms Hörsal, H140, H135a, H135b (First floor) + A121 in the Absalon building.
Entrance from the Main Entrance or from Helgonavägen