Publication: call for papers
All who are IACS members to 2016 and ALSO have an abstract accepted (i.e. it is to be found in the Book of Abstracts) are invited to submit a text of max 6000 words, including title, short abstract and references – based on your conference presentation. These will be subjected to single-blind peer-review, and approximately 30 will be accepted for publication in the volume Zlatev, J & Sonesson, G (2015) Establishing Cognitive Semiotics. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. There is no style-sheet (at this stage), but please use Times New Roman, 12p, double spaced, with APA format references.Please send you submission to me (Jordan.zlatevsemiotik.luse) and Göran Sonesson (goran.sonessonsemiotik.luse) by Dec 31, 2014.