Instructions for Registration

In order to participate in IACS-2014, you need to do three things: 1) fill in your personal information (at the Registration Page)
Click on "Registration Page". Click on the link ”Register a New Participants”. There you will be able to fill in all your personal information. Once you have filled in all your personal information and saved it, a button will appear with the text "Continue". 2) upload your individual abstract, if planning to present (at the EasyChair site)3) pay the participation fee.  
Registration fees include conference participation, book of abstracts, 3 lunches, and coffee/snacks. Early payment (until 30 June 2014)  • Faculty:  (1800 SEK)  • Students:  (1350 SEK)  Late payment (from 1 July 2014) • Faculty: (2070 SEK) • Students: (1620 SEK)   Bianual membership in IACS is included in these fees at 300 SEK, or 200 SEK for students.
You can pay your registration fee either by bank transfer to the account indicated below, or by means of your CreditCard using our PayPal account. Please note that the second option will be a little more expensive, since PayPay perceives their part of the money transferred. Also note that you can only pay in Swedish crowns when using the PayPal account. Any attempt to put in the sum in American Dollars or the like will only result in the wrong sum being paid.
Within Sweden, you can simply pay to Plusgiro account 417 47 16-3.  In all other cases, please pay to the account of Svenska föreningen för semiotik (sffs: org. nr. 845002-2069). Here are some information you may need:  Adress of the treasurer: Svenska Föreningen för Semiotik c/o Ramon Wåhlin Lapp Anders väg 21 784 56 Borlänge Sweden Account information: SWIFT/BIC: NDEASESS IBAN: SE05 9500 0099 6042 4174 7163 Clearing number: 9500 The name of the bank Nordea: www.nordea.comAdress of the relevant branch Nordea, Stationsgatan 6 Box 30, 78121 Borlänge Sweden PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SUMS GIVEN ABOVE IN SWEDISH CROWNS ARE THE SUMS WHICH SHOULD BE TRANSFERRED. THEY ARE EXCLUSIVE OF TRANSFER FEES WHICH MUST BE PAID BY THE SENDER
If you want to pay using your credit card, follow the link to our PayPay account. Because of the transaction costs, payment using this link is somewhat more expensive. Also note that you can only pay the sum in Swedish crowns (SEK). Any attempt to put in the sum in American dollars will result in the wrong sum being paid. Late payment (from 1 July 2014)  • Faculty: 2250 SEK • Students: 1750 SEK Bianual membership in IACS is included in these fees at 300 SEK (faculty) and 200 SEK(students).
Credit Card Payment
Sidansvarig: itht.luse | 2014-08-14