Conference information
Some of the participants at the conference have been accepted for a poster presentation, others for an oral presentation.
A poster presentation is the presentation of research information at a conference with an academic or professional focus. Presentations usually consist of affixing the research poster to a portable wall with the researcher in attendance answering questions posed by passing colleagues. Each research project is usually presented on a conference schedule for a period ranging from 10 minutes to several hours.
An oral or paper presentation is a procedure in which the participants present the results of some scientific investigation or research by reading a paper or, preferably, giving a speech. The use of power point documents, slides, graphs, etc. is certainly not prohibited but encouraged.
If you need an official letter of acceptance, please write down the exact text that you need (specifying your name and your affiliation and the title of your abstract) and send it by e-mail to _Semiotik - NASS2011 <>. We then copy your text to a document with the appropriate letter head. We can send the letter in the form of a signed and secured pdf document to your e-mail address.
We cannot write letters of confirmation or acceptance for participants who have not sent us any abstract - or whose abstract has not been accepted for presentation.
Receips for registration fees can be obtained while you are in Lund
We ask all of those who have paid the registration fee before coming to Lund to bring a copy of the receipt you received when making the bank transference. It might be needed to establish that you have indeed paid the fee.
Humanisthuset, Språk- och litteraturcentrum (SOL)
First floor
Entrance from Helgonabacken 12