Abstracts cannot be uploaded anymore, but you can register as a participant until April 30. Please go to the registration page!
As of March 8, all confirmations have been sent out. We ask all participants to pay their participation and membership fees as soon as possible.
If you reserve your hotel at Hotel Concordia and mention your participation at the NASS conference, you will obtain the reduction rate applied to all guest of Lund University. We have retained a number of room at this hotel, which will be available at least until a month before the beginning of the conference.
Single room: 1175 SEK
Double room: 1375 SEK
Please inform us as soon as possible if you are not going to participate in the conference. The best way to confirm participation is to pay the participation and membership fees. The fees will be augmented after April 5 (one month before the conference begins).
Participants who have not sent in an abstract or who have not been accepted for an oral or poster presentation must still pay the membership and participation fees. The costs covered by these fees are equally relevant for participants not giving a lecture
We cannot write letters of confirmation or acceptance for participants who have not sent us any abstract - or whose abstract has not been accepted for presentation.
A preliminary programme is now published. Please note the following:
1) The database only allows us to list one author for each paper. Additional information will be in the abstracts booklet
2) If you are listed as a moderator, and you have not been contacted about it, please check your availability and contact us
3) Updates to the programme will mainly involve names of moderators
• Membership fee: 300 SEK /35 euro
• Faculty: 600 SEK/ 65 euro / (900 SEK/ 100 euro with membership fee)
• Students: 500 SEK/ 55 euro (800 SEK /90 euro with membership fee)
• Conference banquet (including wine) 500 SEK/55 euro Membership fee must be paid by all participants. The participation fee for Faculty applies to anybody who is not a student.

You are invited to the symposion on "Interstellar Communication: Semiotic, Linguistic and Cognitive Approaches"
A symposium - open to the public - will be held within the research theme of “Astrobiology: Past, Present, and Future”.
Venue: The Pufendorf Institute's main lecture hall, first floor.
Time: Thursday May 5, 2011
Lectures by Arbib, Sonesson, Holmer, and others
Since all registered participants in the congress have paid membership fee to NASS, they are able to participate in the General Assembly of NASS. For people who are of Swedish nationality and/or who live in Sweden, the fee is also valid for membership in sffs. In the latter case, you can participate in the General Assembly of sffs