The Norms Workshop in Älvdalen (2007)
29/5 - 1/6
At this page you will find some documents and links that we hope will be useful for the coming workshop. We intend to update this page continuously, adding Övdalian texts etc, doing our best to provide as much help as possible when it comes to constructing Övdalian questionnaires.
As for specific questions regarding e.g. ortography, we suggest that the ScanDiaSyn forum is used - in the conference section of the forum you will find a section for such questions.
This is a section (p. 34-45) from Kunundsin kumb, an Övdalian book by Hjalmar Larsson (1986) which probably is the longest Övdalian text written by a native speaker. It has been digitalized by Piotr Garbacz. The ortography is Larsson's own.
This is the type of questionnaire that Piotr and I will use in Älvdalen. You may download it, and use the format for your own sample sentences. Download (doc)
This is a link to a transcribed recording of Old Övdalian - you will also find the sound file here (it is from 1935). The material can be found in the upper right corner of the site.
Welkumner að Övdalim!
Lars-Olof Delsing
Piotr Garbacz
Christer Platzack
Henrik Rosenkvist