Essay Competition for Advanced Students

Essay Competition

Who can participate?

Entry is open to students who are currently enrolled at a Swedish university on an advanced level (“Magister” or a Masters’ degree level) in philosophy—or finished their degree within one year prior to the deadline for submission.

Important Dates

The deadline for submitting essays is February 28, 2022. Entrants are advised to submit their essays well in advance of the deadline to avoid technical problems.

Competition Guidelines

  • Entries are welcome in Swedish or English
  • Entries must not exceed 8000 words in length—including bibliography, footnotes, and abstract.
  • Each entry must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 200 words.
  • Each entry should be prepared for blind refereeing.
  • Each entry must be accompanied by a covering letter. In this letter, state that your submission is for the Filosofidagarna-Essaycompetition, and provide your name, institution, address, and statement of your student status (including the name(s) of your supervisor(s). NOTE: You can only submit ONE file via the submission form in Easychair. Therefore, please put the covering letter on the first page in your essay document and submit it as one file!  
  • Entries must be made by the submission portal Easychair. 

A committee led by Professor Erik J. Olsson and Professor Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen will appoint up to two winners. The committee will look for contributions in any philosophical subject that stand out in terms of originality and clarity of expression, and which the committee assesses as being of philosophical interest. (In the event that no entry is deemed of sufficient quality, no price will be awarded).

The Prize winner(s) will be announced at FILOSOFIDAGARNA in Lund. The winner will receive an offer to present his or her work at FILOSOFIDAGARNA in Lund. Travel and lodging expenses are included in the prize (train within Sweden).



June 10th - CONFERENCE  

Sidansvarig:  | 2022-05-12