To and from Lund
The easiest way to get to Lund from Copenhagen Airport (Kastrup) is to take the train from Copenhagen Airport to Lund C via the Öresund bridge. The train takes about 40 min and leaves every 20 min most of the day. From Malmö Airport (Sturup) you can take the airport coaches (Flygbussarna). More information about how to get to and from Lund.
Finding your way in Lund
The conference takes place at the LUX building at Helgonavägen 3 in Lund (see map below). In Lund it is usually best to walk. To walk from the conference hotel to LUX takes about 20 minutes. If you prefer to go by bus, use the Skånetrafiken website. This site is in Swedish, but you can find a translation button in the upper right corner. You cannot pay by cash on the bus, so please download the skånetrafiken app to your mobile phone (Android or Iphone) or visit the skånetrafiken visitor center at Lund C to buy a bus card.
Lund University has reserved a number of hotel rooms at various hotels in Lund that will be available for conference attendees to book at a discounted rate. In order to make use of the discount, you must inform the hotel that you are participating at Filosofidagarna 2022 in Lund when you book your room. Please note that the discounted rate is only valid on the conference dates (10th - 12th June). The available options are:
- Price room/night: 1050 SEK
- Number of rooms reserved: 30
- Booking via: infoconcordiase
- Price room/night: 1330 SEK
- Number of rooms reserved: 15
- Booking via: reservationsbishopsarmscom
- Price room/night: 1025 SEK
- Number of rooms reserved: 20
- Booking via: bokninggrandlundiafinnse
All fees include VAT. Breakfast is included in the price as well.
Lunch & Conference Dinner
The organizers of Filosofidagarna 2022 have ordered lunch catering for Saturday and Sunday. The cost is 150 SEK/person (lunch both days is 300 SEK/person). On Friday, you can buy your lunch at Café LUX (inside the conference building) or, if you prefer, you can have lunch at one of the nearby lunch places.
The official conference dinner will take place on Saturday, June 11th at Tegnérs Matsalar. The cost for the dinner is 250 SEK/person. You can also pre-order a beverage package for the dinner.
Important information regarding how to register for the dinner and the pre-order lunch catering and how to pay can be found in the attached document here.
The deadline for dinner and lunch registration is May 25th.
Lunch catering menu and dinner menu is also included in the attached document.