Keynote abstracts
KEYNOTE 1:Meta-documentation, sustainability and cross-disciplinary research: challenges for language documentation
Peter K. Austin
Endangered Languages Academic ProgrammeDepartment of Linguistics, SOAS
The past 15 years has seen the emergence of a new branch of linguistics called ‘Documentary Linguistics’ which is “concerned with the methods, tools, and theoretical underpinnings for compiling a representative and lasting multipurpose record of a natural language or one of its varieties”. This field is characterised by (Himmelmann 2006, Woodbury 2010):
- attention to principles and practices relating to the collection, curation and analysis of primary data
- an explicit concern for accountability and replicability of research results
- application of principles and practices of data structuring, data management, workflow design, and computational tools to the multipurpose record
- a focus on long-term storage and preservation of primary data along with analyses
- work in interdisciplinary teams
- close cooperation with and direct involvement of the speech community whose language is being studied
- development of well-grounded theoretical concepts and practical applications of meta-documentation, the documentation of documentation practices and projects
- creating sustainable documentations so that both the data collected and the project participants survive in an ongoing way
- developing good models for inter-disciplinary research as promoted in the original foundations of documentary linguistics