How to Get to Lund and SOL

How to get to Lund:

By plain: The easiest way to reach Lund is via the Copenhagen International Airport, Kastrup (CPH). Regular trains leave for Malmö and Lund every twenty minutes. The trip to Lund takes approximately 45 minutes. Tickets can be purchased at the airport (one way ticket for Lund costs ca. €15). Notice that not all trains continue from Malmö to Lund, in which case you will have to change trains at Malmö central station. Be careful to buy tickets for the entire journey to Lund before you enter the train (tickets bought on board the trains cost more).

By train from Copenhagen/Malmö: Regular trains leave for Malmö and Lund every twenty minutes. From Copenhagen central station, the trip to Lund takes approximately one hour (quarter of an hour from Malmö). One way ticket for Lund costs ca. €15 (from Malmö ca. €5). Notice that not all trains continue from Malmö to Lund, in which case you will have to change trains at Malmö central station. Be careful to buy tickets for the entire journey to Lund before you enter the train (tickets bought on board the trains cost more).

By train from Stockholm: High-speed trains leave for Malmö/Copenhagen thirteen times a day. The trip from Stockholm takes approximately four hours. Tickets can be bought via the operator website (New window). It is also possible to travel by night train, see (New window) for tickets and more information.

By train from Gothenburg: High-speed trains leave for Malmö/Copenhagen three times a day. The trip takes approximately three and a half hour.

By car from the South: Follow E22 from Malmö. From the North, follow E20/E6 (from Gothenburg or Stockholm) or E22 (from Kalmar). Travel instructions can be easily retrieved via Google Maps (New window).

Tourist information Wikitravel provides basic tourist information about Lund. Go to: 


Getting to the University:

The street address for the Centre for Languages and Literature (SOL-centrum) is: Helgonabacken 12, 223 62 Lund. SOL buildings: Map of Lund with Centre for Languages and Linguistics marked.





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