Much Ado About Nothing in Performance
Lund 8–10 June 2017
A warm welcome to the website of the symposium Much Ado About Nothing in Performance. The main part of the symposium will be held at the Humanities and Theology Centre (the LUX building, Helgonavägen 3), Lund University, Sweden; there will also be a workshop on teaching Shakespeare’s plays through performance (‘Taking the Ache Out Of Shakespeare’; same venue) and an abridged performance of Much Ado About Nothing at Lund’s Open-Air Museum of Cultural History (known as Kulturen).
The main part of the arrangement (i.e. the plenaries and other lectures taking place in LUX C:121) are open to the public; the workshop and performance are mainly for those taking part in the symposium.
All the available information about the symposium can be found in the menu to the left; information will be added and updated throughout the next few months.
Contact information:
We look forward to seeing you in Lund in June!