Abstract Submission

Notifications of acceptance or rejection have been sent out

If your abstract has been accepted to SALC6, please consider the reviews that have been sent to you and revise the abstract accordingly, by pasting the revised abstract, with references, to EasyChair. This can be done by clicking on the submission in EasyChair and choosing 'Update information' in the upper right corner of the window. The deadline for submitting revised abstracts was 31 January 2017.

Abstract submission is closed!

Please submit your abstract or theme session proposal using the following link:


Please remember to indicate the type of submission you are making both in your document as well as in the submission form by ticking the appropriate category in the "Topics" field (Theme session, General session or Poster session).

Submission categories

 1. Theme session (Deadline: 31 August 2016; notification: 30 September 2016)
  • Submissions should include: session title, name and affiliation of symposium convener, an introduction of up to 400 words explaining the theme, all abstracts for the theme session in a suitable order.
  • Sessions may consist of 3 or 6 papers (90 or 180 mins.), including time for introduction and general discussion. Papers in each theme session should be thematically linked.
  • Theme session proposers should indicate whether they wish the individual abstracts to be considered as individual presentations (oral or poster), in case the session is not accepted as a whole.
2. General session (Deadline: 25 October 2016; notification: 22 December 2016)
  •  Submissions should include: title, name, affiliation, 400-word abstract, excluding references. The time allocation is 20 mins. oral presentation followed by 5 mins. discussion.
3. Poster session (Deadline: 25 October 2016, notification: 22 December 2016)
  •  Submissions should include: title, name, affiliation, 400-word abstract, excluding references. Authors are invited to give a 1 minute oral presentation in the main lecture hall preceding the poster session.
Sidansvarig: it@ht.lu.se | 2017-02-13