First circular
The 43rd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics
Centre for Languages and Literature: Chinese, Lund University, Sweden
October 15-18, 2010.
The main conference days are October 16-18, but with a possibility for workshops one day before or after - to be announced later depending on interest.
Dear Sino-Tibetanists,
We are happy to welcome you - for the 4th time to Lund University - for the 43rd conference in an unbroken line!
This letter is just, for your personal planning, to inform you of the conference dates. We are currently building the conference web page at, and this will be our primary information channel to you. Please visit and bookmark this page.
The conference will be organized in similar manner to the previous conferences in Lund; with dinners together all evenings for those who want to. We plan to have a Bernhard Karlgren symposium for half a day or so. The idea came up during the SOAS conference inspired by the longed-for biography of Karlgren written by professor emeritus Göran Malmqvist at Stockholm University - in Swedish! Some sinologists have tried - but failed - to read it with the help of a Swedish-English dictionary. It now fortunately turns out that professor Malmqvist has translated his work into English, and it luck is with him and us the translation will be published in time for the conference. Professor Malmqvist is also willing to come to the conference and give a talk about being a student of Karlgren. The idea is to assess the contribution of Karlgren to the reconstruction of old Chinese and his importance today. What is still valid in this era of a rapidly growing field of Sino-Tibetan linguistic science.
We welcome any contribution and will try to invite some speakers who have especially worked in the field of reconstructing old Chinese and on the base of that, its relation to Sino-Tibetan to a plenary session.
In order to facilitate the work of the organizing committée, I ask those of you who intend to try to participate in the conference to give us a preliminary heads-up.
Do this by filling in the Registration Form at the conference web page
Use the field Other information to tell us what you today know about when you will come and you will leave, and if you will be accompanied by anyone and other information relevant to your lodging in Lund. It is very important that we quickly get an idea of how many hotel rooms will be needed. Lund is a small city, with a big university, and the hotel situation is a bit complicated. So please also tell us if you think you will need a double or a single room.
Notifications of major changes to the web page and other messages from the organizing committée will also be sent to the mailing list that will be compiled from those registered at the web page.
Preliminary dead lines - to be confirmed later:
- Intention or hope of coming: now!
- Preliminary title of paper: May 2010 (if the abstract is not ready by May, please update the Other information field with this data)
- Abstracts: August 1st 2010
- Hotel reservation: August 2010
The closest airport is Copenhagen International Airport - also locally called Kastrup. There are direct train connections from the train station at the airport via the bridge over Öresund to Malmö and further on to Lund. These trains depart approxemately every 20 minutes and the ride takes about 50 minutes.
We have had some problems in getting a complete mailing-list. Please distribute this circular to everybody around you.
We hope to see many of you in Lund!
Many greetings,
Inga -Lill Hansson