
We have booked 25 single rooms and 25 double rooms at Hotell Sparta for our GLOW guests. These rooms cost SEK 778/950 per night. When you book these rooms, please let the hotel know that you are GLOW 36 participants. We have also booked 35 single rooms and 27 double rooms at Hotell Concordia (SEK 1185/1380). When you book these rooms, please let the hotel know that you are GLOW 36 participant. Please click on the name of a hotel below to get to its English web site.
Various other hotels in the city of Lund and their web sites
Please click on the name of a hotel below to get to its English web site. We would also like you to be aware of the following two web sites, intended to help people find hotel rooms in Lund and Malmö:
Sidansvarig:  | 2020-06-26