GLOW Call for Papers

The 36th GLOW colloquium will take place at Lund University from 2 to 6 April, 2013 (Colloquium April 3–5, workshops April 2nd and 6th).
Host: SOL, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University, supported by The Birgit Rausing Language Programme
Venue: SOL, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University
Main Colloquium: April 3–5, 2013
THEME: FREEOrganizers: The Grimm group, SOL
Contact: glow36nordlund.luseKeynote speaker: Anders Holmberg, Newcastle University
Deadline for submission: November 15, 2012
Notification of acceptance: January 20, 2013
Submission of abstracts: EasyChair
Website: GLOW 36
Talks and posters
Abstracts are invited for slots for oral presentations lasting 45 minutes + 15 minutes of discussion. In addition, GLOW 36 will be holding a poster session. When submitting an abstract, the author(s) should indicate whether they wish to be considered for an oral presentation only or would also be willing to present a poster. Financial reimbursement will be limited to oral presentations.Selection
20 papers will be selected for oral presentation and an additional 30 papers will be selected for the poster presentation.Submission Guidelines
- All abstracts (including abstracts for the workshops) must be submitted online through EasyChair.
- Abstracts (for oral presentations and posters) must not exceed two A4 pages in length. This includes data and references. Submissions must be consistent with the following format:
- 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins on all four sides. On A4 paper, these margins produce a 160mm x 247mm text box. Submitters whose computers are set up for other paper sizes should adjust their margins accordingly to produce a text box of this size. This is especially important for the legibility of the Spring Newsletter.
- Font size no smaller than 12pt, with single line spacing; no more than 50 lines of text per page, including examples. Times New Roman.
- Examples must be integrated throughout the text of the abstract, rather than collected at the end.
- Nothing in the abstract, the title, or the name of the document should identify the author(s).
- Only submissions in .pdf format will be accepted.
Additional note: Named abstracts and the Spring Newsletter
If your paper is accepted for presentation at GLOW 36, you will be asked to submit a non-anonymous version of your abstract for publication in the GLOW Spring Newsletter. In case any problems should arise, please contact the organizers ( and the Newsletter Editor ( It is particularly important for publication purposes that all non-standard (nonopen source) fonts in the named version of accepted abstracts be either properly embedded into the PDF file or else avoided altogether.
You will find the call for papers for the various GLOW 36 workshops if you follow these links: